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Habshan Formation
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Habshan Fm base reconstruction

Habshan Fm


Age Interval: 
Valanginian – Hauterivian, On1, On2, UAE1

Oman, United Arab Emirates

Type Locality and Naming

As the Lower Cretaceous platform programed, bioclastic and oolitic ‘sands’ dominate the platform edge and these are referred to as the Habshan Fm. Type section is Bab-2 in Abu Dhabi (Hassan et al., 1975). Additional surface reference section is in southeast Al Jabal Al Akhdar along the road to the Saiq Plateau (E57°41 ́30”, N23°02 ́00”), where the thickness is ca. 122 m. The Oman subsurface reference section is well Dhulaima-4. Columns: Oman Subsurface, Oman Outcrop, Oman Outcrop, United Arab Emirates.


Lithology and Thickness

Limestone. "The Habsan Formation is a clean carbonate unit of interbedded wacke- to grainstone textures with common ooidal and algal oncoid horizons and common shell debris. The Upper section is dominated by grainstone, with excellent reservoir quality (porosities of up to 30% and permeabilities of up to 1,500 mD), the Lower section by wackestone. Occasionally dolomites are present, which increase in abundance to the east. Meter-scale current bedded units can commonly be developed. There can be thick ooidal grainstones in the upper part, with abundant loose ooids in cuttings (e.g. Dhulaima-4)." Divided locally into Habshan 6 through Habshan 1 members.

Lithology Pattern: 
Oolitic limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

In Oman, the Habshan Fm overlies the Salil Fm, but oversteps to the south and east to lie on various levels in the Sahtan Gr.. In the northwest of Central Oman the lower boundary with the Sahtan Gr is often difficult to identify due to the similarity of the dolomites in the lower part of the Habshan Fm with those of the Sahtan Gr. In United Arab Emirates, the underlying unit is the Arab Fm

Upper contact

Regionally, the upper boundary is relatively sharp with an upward change from clean carbonates below into argillaceous limestones and marls of the Lekhwair Fm.

Regional extent

Oman Subsurface, United Arab Emirates. In Oman, the Habshan Fm occurs only north of ca. 21°N. To the west and northwest, it thickens and passes laterally into the typical shallow- marine Habshan facies of Abu Dhabi.




"Biozone F54 (lower part) (Pseudochrysalidina arabica), F53 (Pseudocylammina lituus) and F52 (upper part as Sub-biozone F527 (Calpionellites darderi and significant numbers of tintinnids). Simon Petroleum Technology (1995) recognized a diverse calpionellid assemblage in the basal Habshan Formation of well Dhulaima-7, with probable Calpionellites darderi and the tintinnid Tintinnopsella longa (e.g., Sub-biozone F527). The nannofossil Nannoconus steinmannii steinmannii was also recorded in abundance. Both fossil groups indicate an Early Valanginian age.


Valanginian – Early Hauterivian. Highly diachronous, therefore this is a "average" for display purposes. Microfossils found in the Habshan are indicative of an Early Cretaceous age, approximately Hauterivian in the reference section (Scott, 1990; Simmons and Hart, 1987). Sikkema (1991) and Simmons (1994) both comment on the difficulty of calibrating this (and older) Kahmah Group units, but a general Valanginian – Hauterivian age is supported by the available biological and regional evidence. Overall, the Habshan Fm gets younger to the north (possibly even Barremian). In areas where the Habshan Fm is not underlain by Rayda Fm and Salil Fm, it is possible that the age ranges down to the Berriasian or even Tithonian as in Abu Dhabi (Alsharhan and Nairn, 1986), although this is not proven by fossil dating in Oman."

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

"The Lower Cretaceous platform started to grow in Central Oman after a major transgression over a structurally collapsed Middle Jurassic carbonate platform. From here, the edge of the platform prograded 250 km to the north in ca. 10 My. This prograding carbonate belt is expressed on seismic by well-defined clinoforms (Haan et al., 1990; Driessen et al., 2006). During this phase, bioclastic and oolitic ‘sands’ dominate the platform edge and these are referred to as the Habshan Fm, whereas the interbasinal carbonates are represented by the following Lekhwair Fm." . . . The sedimentary facies of the Habshan Fm is consistent with a shallow, high- energy, probably tidal-marine setting, interpreted as the platform edge facies, time-equivalent to argillaceous limestones of the "underlying" Salil Fm that form the slope deposits and the porcellaneous Rayda Fm representing the basinal facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


From Forbes, G.A., Hansen, H.S.M., and Shreurs, J., 2010. Lexicon of Oman: Subsurface Stratigraphy. Gulf Petrolink, 371 pp. (plus enclosures and CD); and Middle East Geological Timescale 2008 Al-Husseini, Journal of Middle East Petroleum Geosciences v 13. no. 4